You are the best dog.

We knew you were coming home with us as soon as we saw you at the APL in Cleveland. You joined our family so soon after it began. We welcomed you into our very first apartment, which you quickly turned into our very first home.

You were with us through so much. It was only six months after you came home with us that the pandemic began. I think you loved this time more than anyone else, since you had the entire roof of a parking garage to run around and chase sticks. I don't know how we would have gotten through it without you.

We got to know you only in your senior years, but you never had trouble keeping up. You came with us on all of our adventures, big and small.

You eventually came with us on our greatest adventure ever, moving across the country to Oregon. You have dipped your toes in oceans on both sides of the continent. You have seen mountains from Maine to Montana. In our time together, you have lived an envious life.

You started to live a slower life in Oregon. No longer chasing sticks and balls, you preferred to stay at home, cuddled comfortably in your bed, as an old man should.

Unfortunately, the steady march of entropy comes for us all. You slowed down a little more, and then a lot more. Today, you have finally rested, no longer in pain. But you are not forgotten. No, you have lived through some of the biggest moments of our lives. You have been here as we became adults, grew out of our first apartment, left our hometown. While a little bit of us is undoubtedly left with you, a much bigger part of you has come with us.

You have touched our hearts and minds in ways that we will forever carry with us. Every interaction we have, every animal we touch, every person we meet, will be meeting that part of you. You will be spread with all of these new people, meeting so many new smells along the way.

While entropy marches on, information is never lost. No, information is just spread, since so much good could not ever last in one piece for that long. The universe desires you to be spread, pieces of you touching every living thing, until we all meet in the end, spread helplessly but together across the universe. Until that time, so long, my friend.

You are the best dog.