
An image of an ocean profiler looking back on the Oregon coast from the back of a boat

I am in the 2nd year of a combined MS/PhD program in physical oceanography within the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon State University, where I am a Graduate Research Assistant working in the Fewings Lab.

I'm primarily interested in continental shelf dynamics, especially eastern boundary upwelling systems. My current research is focused on the upwelling system within the northern California Current System. This region is historically well sampled, so I take advantage of existing, long-term, observational datasets to investigate upwelling dynamics, with questions often motivated by ecological impacts.

I'm also excited about the intersection between Earth science and software development. I have several such projects of my own, which I welcome collaboration on over at my GitHub. If you have projects you think fit this space and think I can be of assistance, please get in touch!


Coming soon :)


Selected conference presentations (all presented as first author):

  • Inner Shelf Nitrate Response to Wind Forcing on the Newport Hydrographic Line, Oregon, USA
    Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2024
  • Nutrient Fluxes in the US Pacific Northwest Coastal Upwelling System
    Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 2021

Selected poster presentations (all presented as first author):

  • Nearshore Nitrate Response to Wind on the Newport Hydrographic Line, OR, USA
    Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 2023
  • Nearshore Nitrate Response to Wind on the Newport Hydrographic Line, OR, USA
    Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Smithfield, RI, 2022
  • Observations of Cross-Shelf Nitrate Fluxes over the Oregon Continental Shelf
    American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2022


During my undergraduate at Cleveland State University, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to teach physics labs for three years from 2019-2022. Selected teaching experience includes:

  • Physics 1 (Classical Mechanics)
    Fall 2021-Spring 2022
  • Physics Department Tutor
    Fall 2020-Spring 2021
  • Physics 2 (E&M/Optics)
    Spring 2019-Fall 2020

Curriculum Vitae

If the PDF viewer is not loading, you can download my CV here.